
laravel9 に、認証の仕組みを入れる


RockyLinux9.3 + laravel9 で、認証の仕組みを入れてみます。

Laravel9 のインストールと、AdminLTE の初期設定までは、下記の記事で

Laravel9 のインストールと、AdminLTE の初期設定まで
laravel9 とAdminLTEの初期設定までを行います。 Nginx / php8.1 / MySQL 8.0 の設定は、↓この記事をご参考に 仮想ユーザの追加 # /usr/sbin/adduser larauser # chomo...



# dnf install nodejs npm
Rocky Linux 9 - BaseOS                                                                                                      8.1 kB/s | 4.1 kB     00:00    
Rocky Linux 9 - AppStream                                                                                                   8.3 kB/s | 4.5 kB     00:00    
Rocky Linux 9 - Extras                                                                                                      6.1 kB/s | 2.9 kB     00:00    
Dependencies resolved.
 Package                                Architecture                 Version                                          Repository                       Size
 nodejs                                 x86_64                       1:16.20.2-4.el9_3                                appstream                       111 k
 npm                                    x86_64                       1:8.19.4-                       appstream                       1.7 M
Installing dependencies:
 nodejs-libs                            x86_64                       1:16.20.2-4.el9_3                                appstream                        14 M
Installing weak dependencies:
 nodejs-docs                            noarch                       1:16.20.2-4.el9_3                                appstream                       7.1 M
 nodejs-full-i18n                       x86_64                       1:16.20.2-4.el9_3                                appstream                       8.2 M


  nodejs-1:16.20.2-4.el9_3.x86_64       nodejs-docs-1:16.20.2-4.el9_3.noarch nodejs-full-i18n-1:16.20.2-4.el9_3.x86_64 nodejs-libs-1:16.20.2-4.el9_3.x86_64


↑nodejs , nmp がインストールできました。



laravel8 から、「breeze」という認証システムが登場しました。

$ composer require laravel/breeze
Composer could not detect the root package (laravel/laravel) version, defaulting to '1.0.0'. See https://getcomposer.org/root-version
Cannot use laravel/breeze's latest version v2.0.0 as it requires php ^8.2.0 which is not satisfied by your platform.
./composer.json has been updated
Composer could not detect the root package (laravel/laravel) version, defaulting to '1.0.0'. See https://getcomposer.org/root-version
Running composer update laravel/breeze

   INFO  Discovering packages.  

  jeroennoten/laravel-adminlte ..... DONE
  laravel/breeze ................... DONE
  laravel/sail ..................... DONE
  laravel/sanctum .................. DONE
  laravel/tinker ................... DONE
  nesbot/carbon .................... DONE
  nunomaduro/collision ............. DONE
  nunomaduro/termwind .............. DONE
  spatie/laravel-ignition .......... DONE

86 packages you are using are looking for funding.
Use the `composer fund` command to find out more!
> @php artisan vendor:publish --tag=laravel-assets --ansi --force

   INFO  No publishable resources for tag [laravel-assets].  

No security vulnerability advisories found.
Using version ^1.19 for laravel/breeze


↑php 8.2 以上だと、breeze version 2.0 以上が入るようですが、今回、php8.1系なので、breeze version 1.19系が準備されました。

$ php artisan breeze:install

  Which stack would you like to install?
  blade ............................. 0  
  react ............................. 1  
  vue ............................... 2  
  api ............................... 3  
> 0

  Would you like to install dark mode support? (yes/no) [no]

  Would you prefer Pest tests instead of PHPUnit? (yes/no) [no]

   INFO  Installing and building Node dependencies.  

added 142 packages, and audited 143 packages in 11s

36 packages are looking for funding
  run `npm fund` for details

found 0 vulnerabilities
npm notice 
npm notice New major version of npm available! 8.19.4 -> 10.5.0
npm notice Changelog: https://github.com/npm/cli/releases/tag/v10.5.0
npm notice Run npm install -g npm@10.5.0 to update!
npm notice 

> build
> vite build

vite v4.5.3 building for production...
 51 modules transformed.
public/build/manifest.json              0.26 kB │ gzip:  0.13 kB
public/build/assets/app-b057de86.css   27.62 kB │ gzip:  5.43 kB
public/build/assets/app-9423d52e.js   146.26 kB │ gzip: 53.88 kB
 built in 3.19s

   INFO  Breeze scaffolding installed successfully.  




laravel 認証の画面

$ route/web.php



Log in



$ route/web.phpにおいて、



Route::group(['middleware' => 'auth'], function() {


